Corporate yoga classes
30-60 minutes
Help your employees find balance and get fit at work!
Incorporating yoga into your workplace is a great way to boost the health of your organisation, clinically proven to improve the focus, productivity, and performance of employees. Yoga also builds team bonding, better communication, and positive work culture. Negative aspects such as absenteeism are overcome with positive aspects that bring in a positive work environment.
Enhance your work environment with the following options:
Vinyasa Yoga:
The word Vinyasa means flow, and that what we do in Vinyasa - flow through poses using our breath as a guide. The variable nature of Vinyasa Yoga helps to develop a more balanced body as well as prevent repetitive motion injuries that can happen if you are always doing the same thing every day. As a philosophy, Vinyasa recognizes the temporary nature of things. We enter into a posture, are there for a while and then move to the next. These sessions include breath work and mindfulness incorporated into the movement. can be anywhere from 30-60 minutes long. Bring your mat and maybe a blanket as well as a bottle of water as you will need to hydrate yourself after class.
Yin Yoga:
The deep stretching you get in this restorative practice helps combat office work related aches and pains. These classes include breath work and mindfulness, integrated into the work of releasing tight muscles and fascia. Bring your mat, some comforatble clothes that you can exercise in, and maybe a blanket and a bottle of water.
Mindfulness or Meditation:
Help your employees find inner peace by learning simple techniques such as emotional regulation, equanimity and cognitive defusion while relaxing in hypnosis. This is a 30 minute session, with some time needed beforehand to explain the work and afterwards to answer questions. No supplies are needed for this class.
Stress reduction Hypnotherapy:
Through hypnotherapy, your employees will deepen their capacity to manage stress and difficulties at work. This is a 30 minute session, with some time needed beforehand to explain the work and afterwards to answer questions. No supplies are needed for this class.
These classes are available to everyone, regardless of experience, ability or health issues.
Please let me know of your health issues prior to starting yoga with me, so I can ensure your safety and health during our classes. My many years of experience as a nurse, healer and yogi allow me to design yoga flows that are safe for people with many different medical conditions.