I am ready to be your guide, cheerleader and confidante on your journey to mind-body wellness

Born in Canada, my work has taken me around the world into a kaleidoscope of cultures and languages which informs the culturally sensitive care that I provide you as a Hypno-CBT therapist, nurse, yoga teacher, Reiki healer and guided meditation teacher.​
How I can help you
Cognitive behavioural hypnotherapist, dipCBH
Whether your struggle is anxiety, depression, phobias, low self-esteem, or you desire to build resilience & empowerment, find your voice and free yourself from toxic situations, I am ready to help you. You do not need to stay stuck in your suffering! I utilise clinically proven, evidence-based Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy methods to guide you through your healing & empowerment. ​
Guided Meditation Teacher
Using clinically proven methods of mindfulness work related to ACT therapy and the teachings of Tara Brach,  I can guide you towards deeper mind-body awareness, gain acceptance of what  you cannot change and let go of what you cannot control, and to face your difficult emotions and sensations in a safe space of unconditional acceptance. Mindfulness does not mean emptying your mind of all thoughts - it looks different for everyone. I have literally never been able to sit more than about 30 seconds with an empty mind. You know why? Our brain's job is literally to think, and it recycles the same thoughts over and over. Your thoughts, as real as they are, are not necessarily true, and often are completely unhelpful. Developing my capacity for Meta-Cognition (the capacity to be aware of your thoughts and pay attention to what those thoughts are doing to you) revolutionised my life, and I am here to help you revolutionise yours!
Vinyasa, yin, prenatal & postnatal yoga teacher
I started my yoga journey over 30 years in Canada, and experienced the joy of practicing many different yoga styles in many different countries before becoming a teacher myself. Teaching people how to connect to their body and grow stronger physically, psychologically and mentally through practice in yoga and yoga therapy gives me immense joy. I design your yoga sessions based on your health and wellness needs, keeping you safe from injury by teaching you correct alignment and breath work. I am a Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga teacher
Reiki Energy Healer
Reiki can help you heal through unblocking and stabilising the flow of energy through your energy centres, easing pain, relaxing the body, and lowering stress levels. I fell in love with Reiki whilst living in Texas in the 90's, and started employing therapeutic touch as an intensive care and trauma nurse long before becoming a Reiki master. Working with you to guide you towards your optimal health, I can combine Reiki with my other treatment modalities to deepen your healing experience.
Registered Nurse, BScN
Perinatal nursing care
I started my journey as a registered nurse in 1995 in Canada. After working in the provincial trauma centre in Canada for a few years, I moved to Texas to work as an intensive care nurse and then was headhunted to work for the Texas Organ Sharing Alliance where I honed my skills in education, crisis management and communication with people in difficult situations. I eventually became a labour & delivery nurse, delivering babies in a trauma centre, and when my adventures took me to Australia, I continued that work at a women’s hospital in Sydney and later at an IVF clinic. During the COVID pandemic, I came back to nursing, this time in Luxembourg as a perinatal nurse providing support for refugee women.  I now offer my expertise as an independent perinatal nurse in Luxembourg.
Actress & Singer - find your voice & develop confidence
I am no stranger to insecurity and imposter syndrome. I was drawn to the stage from a young age to sing, dance and act, but each and every time I had to perform in front of people I would suffer almost paralysing panic. I would power through the panic and rise to the challenge because I wanted it so badly. Through my training as a singer and actress, I learnt to face my insecurities and to play my roles with openness, vulnerability, passion and fervour. Let me help you overcome your insecurities and find your voice! Using a combination of hypnotherapy, vocal coaching and mindfulness techniques, I will help you unlock your voice and your power!